Saturday, October 5, 2013

Naphtali Lodge #25
Installation of Officers
Thursday, September 19,2013

R WBro Chris Newbold Installing Master, WBro Tim Jakuboski Worshipful Master, WBro Larry Wilson Installing Marshall, R WBro Ken Burch Chaplain

2013 Officers of Naphtali Lodge #25
Front: Bill Hrack JD, Christopher Newbold SW, Tim Jakuboski WM, Bill Jackels JW, Bill Bean SEC, Ken Burch Chaplain
Back: Bret Nelson SS, Darren Beck Tyler, Bill Stone Marshal, Charles Harrison SD

Friday, October 4, 2013

September 2013 Trestleboard

Master's Message: Brethren Of Naphtali Lodge # 25 A.F. & A.M.

For all that may be unaware, I am WB Tim Jakuboski, and have been elected to be Master of this Lodge and lead this great body of men for the ensuing year.  It is truly a great honor for me to have been entrusted with the care of this historic lodge.  It is especially important to me, personally, because I was raised in this lodge as a courtesy degree for my home Lodge in Wentzville.  It was such a profound and moving experience for me, that I joined as a dual member almost immediately thereafter.  I was so impressed, and just in awe of the history in the New Temple, that you can just feel it, when you walk the halls, and see the historical artifacts throughout the building.  This leads me to my agenda for the year.  I am going to make every effort to increase attendance at our meetings. I want to invite other lodges to visit, and push hard for new members to join.  I plan on doing this by visiting other lodges and personally inviting them to attend.  I also intend to use emails and social networking to bring lodges together, and create a forum where any Brother can go to ONE site to find out what ANY Lodge is doing on any given day.  I know that I cannot do this alone.  This will require the cooperation of each and every Lodge to actively participate, and if they do not, then it will not come to fruition.  I am confident because I am supported by an incredible group of Officers who are as committed as I am to make this a great year for Naphtali Lodge #25.
2013 Lodge Officers:
Worshipful Master
Tim Jakuboski

Senior Warden
Chris Newbold
(636) 795-4646
Junior Warden
Bill Jackels
(314) 724-6772
John Ratcliff
(314) 276-2180
Bill Bean
(314) 662-2496
Ken Burch
(314) 210-6517
Senior Deacon
Charles Harrison
(636) 462-3750
Junior Deacon
Bill Hrach
(314) 941-9036
Bill Stone
(636) 332-8850
Darren Beck
(314) 504-6802
Masonic Home Rep.
Bill Stone
(636) 332-8850

Brethren, I am open to any and all suggestions, so feel free to contact me.

WB Tim Jakuboski

Oct 17, 2013
6:00 PM
Dinner followed by business meeting.
Nov 21, 2013 6:00 PM Dinner followed by business meeting.