Master's Message:
Naphtali's December meeting was our annual visit from our DDGL RWB Juan Antonio White and our DDGM RWB Matt Wilson. Brothers Matt and Juan thanked the lodge for the reception he was given. Brother Juan offered to help in Naphtali's degree work. Brother Matt discussed the four Crown Jewels of Missouri Freemasonry which is the theme of the Grand Master of Missouri this year, the Scholarships, the Lodge of Research, The Masonic Home, and the Masonic Children's Foundation (MoChip). He urged Naphtali to support them and to sponsor a MoChip event.
During the business meeting the previously announced amendments to the bylaws to increase the initiation fee to $150 and to increase Naphtali's dues to $52 per year was unanimously passed.
WB. Ken
January 5, 2012, 6:00PM St. Louis Missouri Lodge #1 Heritage Night @ Rose Hill Temple
January 12, 2012, 6:30PM Special Communication Master Mason Degree for Brother Jack Tomberlin.
January 19, 2012, 6:30PM Stated communication and E.A. degree for McGraw Milhaven.
March 15, 2011, 6:30PM Junior Wardens Night
April 19, 2011, 6:30PM Senior Wardens Night
Master's Message:
Greetings Brethren,
The December Trestle Board is coming to you early so that we may attach an amendment to our Lodge By-Laws as a means of notifying all members of the proposed change. At our November meeting we had the first reading of the change, regarding initiation fees and annual dues. This attachment will serve as written notice to all members that at the December meeting held on the 15th we will have the second reading, discussion, and ballot on the proposed change.
We want to congratulate Brother Hrach on receiving his Master Mason degree at our November meeting. I also want to express our appreciation to all who came out to help and support Brother Hrach on this special occasion. We also received two new petitions, and it looks like we are going to have a very busy year, with degree work almost every meeting! Good for our Fraternity and good for our Lodge!
Just as a reminder, our December meeting has been scheduled for the official visit of our DDGM and DDGL. I hope to see everyone there. At this time we are considering a special communication on January 5th for a 3rd degree and will do three 1st degrees on the 19th. Again it looks like a great year.
I hope everyone has a great Holiday Season and I look forward to seeing you in Lodge.
WB. Ken
At our December Communication we will vote on the following two changes in Naphtali's bylaws which increase the Naphtali portion of the annual dues from $40 to $52 and the fee for petitioning for the degrees from $100 to $150. This changes Naphtali annual dues from $61 to $73. The following is how the key sentences in each section will read after the amendment.
Article IV Petitions and Fees Section 1: This petition shall be recommended by at least two members of the Lodge, and delivered to the Secretary with the sum of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00).
Article VI Dues, Trials and Reinstatements Section 1: Dues of fifty-two dollars ($52.00) are payable annually and in advance of January 1 of each year, unless for good reasons they be remitted or the member is exempted from payment of dues according to Article 18, Sections 18.020 and 18.050, Grand Lodge By-Laws.
December 15, 2011, 6:30PM DDGM & DDGL Official Visit
January 5, 2012, 6:30PM Special Communication Master Mason Degree for Brother Jack Tomberlin.
January 19, 2012, 6:30PM Stated communication and one E.A. degree.
March 15, 2011, 6:30PM Junior Wardens Night
April 19, 2011, 6:30PM Senior Wardens Night
Master's Message:
Greetings Brethren,
It is hard to believe we are in the third month of our Masonic year! I first want to congratulate our youngest Master Mason Brother Newton. It is always a special event when we raise a new Master Mason, and especially in our beautiful temple. We have another Third Degree, Brother Hrach, at our November meeting on the 17th. I have been in contact with our New DDGM, RWB Matt Wilson and he has indicated he would like to be there to help us confer the degree. I urge you to come out, join in raising a new brother Master Mason, and to meet our new DDGM.
On another note, your Budget and By Laws committee met at Wentzville Lodge on Oct. 30th to discuss a budget for the Lodge going forward and to talk about some much needed re-writes of the existing By Laws. Brethren we have some issues concerning the finances of the Lodge. There will be a report by our Secretary at our meeting on the 17th that will entail an increase in dues and changes to the By Laws.
I hope to see you all in Lodge this month, and as we head into the holiday season please keep our deployed military men and women in your prayers. I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
W.B. Ken Burch
Naphtali Lodge # 25
November 17, 2011 Master Mason Degree for Brother Bill Hirach.
December 15, 2011 DDGM & DDGL Official Visit
January 19, 2012 Master Mason Degree for Brother Jack Tomberlin.
March 15, 2011 Junior Wardens Night
April 19, 2011 Senior Wardens Night
2011 September 15th Trestleboard
Master's Message:
I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you all for attending our annual Installation of Officers. I think we had a great turnout, and hopefully all enjoyed the meal provided by French Town Deli. I also want to congratulate Worshipful Brother Bill Bean for his hard work and dedication during his year as our Master. It is wonderful to see all the officer chairs filled by men eager to do the work and learn our Ritual. I am looking forward to working with you all in the coming year.
Going forward, we have Three Fellowcrafts waiting to be raised to MM’s, and a Petition for Dual Membership. What a great way to begin the year. At our Regular Communication on October 20th we will be conferring a MM degree and will ballot on the Petition of Brother Jason Johnson to become a dual member. We are planning to confer a MM degree on November 17th at our regular communication. We are anticipating an Official Visit from our DDGM and DDGL In December, but have no official word on this. We will keep you informed. We are planning on starting the New Year with another MM degree on January 19th.
In addition, as DDGL of the 26th Masonic District, I have started holding a Lodge of Instruction at Wentzville Lodge #46 on Sunday afternoons. We have changed the time at the request of some of the Brethren, and will have coffee and cookies at 2:30 PM with instruction beginning at 3:00. I know that is a long way for some to drive, and am simply extending the invitation. In the coming year I am planning on holding instruction on our regular communication nights, when we don’t have degree work.
As our calendar unfolds we will make every effort to keep you informed. At this point I am thinking of Senior Wardens Night in the East on March 15, and Junior Wardens Night on April 19 if this is agreeable to the two Brothers. We are going to try to sponsor a MoChip event sometime after the first of the year and will let you know when we get the date set. Again Brethren, I am looking forward to seeing you all at our meetings and working with you in the coming Year.
Ken Burch
WM Naphtali Lodge # 25
October 20, 2011 - Master Mason Degree for Brother Brian Newton. Ballot on Petition of Brother Jason Johnson to become a dual member.
November 17, 2011 - Master Mason Degree for Brother Bill Hirach.
December 15, 2011 - DDGM & DDGL Official Visit
January 19, 2012 - Master Mason Degree for Brother Jack Tomberlin.
March 15, 2011 - Junior Wardens Night
April 19, 2011 - Senior Wardens Night
2011 June 17 Trestleboard
Master's Message: Congratulations to our three newest brothers who were initiated as Entered Apprentices at Naphtali's last regular communication of the year: Brother Brian Newton, Brother John Tomberlin, and Brother Bill Hrach. Welcome to Naphtali, Brothers. Thanks to all of the brethren who helped make this a special occasion for them.
Congratulations are also due to the newly elected officers for the upcoming Masonic year, especially to Right Worshipful Brother Ken Burch who will be Naphtali's Worshipful Master next year. Our lodge will be in good hands.
I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the success of Naphtali this year, and who helped me as your Worshipful Master. Your efforts were all greatly appreciated.
Finally, I would like to add a special note of thanks to Worshipful Brother Jesse Jannusch, who has been Naphtali's Secretary for thirteen years. Without his efforts, Naphtali Lodge #25 would not be an active lodge about to enter its one hundred and seventy-third year of continuous operation, and none of us would be regularly meeting each other as Brothers. On a personal note, Jesse shepherded me to my first lodge of instruction, as well as many after that first evening. He introduced me to the Scottish Rite; he has shared many of his life's stories with me, and has helped me in so many other ways. It is an honor and a privilege to call him Brother.
July 18, 2011 - Fellowcraft degrees for Naphtali Brothers Newton, Tomberlin & Hrach at Troy Lodge #34
Sept 15, 2011 - Installation of Officers & First 2011 Naphtali Regular Communication
2011 June Trestleboard
Master's Message: Congratulations to Brother Shaughn Doyel on being Naphtali's newest member to be raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. I also want to thank the members of Naphtali and especially all of our visitors who came and helped confer the degree. As the end of Naphtali's Masonic Year quickly approaches, we are blessed to have had a calendar that has been filled with new degree work, with more still to come. On Thursday, June 2, we will have a special communication where we will confer the Entered Apprentice Degree on Brian Robert Newton. We also have received two new petitions that, assuming a satisfactory report from the committees, will be balloted on at our next and last regular communication of the year. If the ballots are favorable we will also confer Entered Apprentice Degrees that night on the two petitioners. Finally, since Naphtali's next regular communication on June 16th is also our last, we will be balloting on the election of new officers, so Naphtali members are urged to attend.
June 2, Thursday 6:30PM Special Communication: to confer the EA degree on Brian Robert Newton
June 16, Thursday 6:30PM Regular Communication: election of officers, balloting on two petitions, and 2 EA degrees.
Secretary's Desk: It is with sorrow that we report the passing of Brother Gary A Stelzer on 5/23/11. He was a member of Naphtali for 39 years. Sympathy was extended to his family.
Thanks to all those who paid their dues on time this year and the contributions made to the Lodge. Those that we have had no reply form,we have to suspend you for Non Payment of Dues per Grand Lodge 2011. You may still pay your dues, if you do it promptly.
2011 May Trestleboard
Master's Message: Congratulations to Brother Michael Pingel on being raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. Everyone looks forward to his active participation at Naphtali. Thanks to all Brothers who came to the meeting and helped confer the degree. Congratulations are also due to our Junior Warden, who did a fantastic job as Worshipful Master on Junior Warden's night. We can all have confidence that Naphtali will be in fine hands in the coming years with the proficiency and commitment to Masonry that both of our Wardens have exhibited.
After a slow start in the first half of this Masonic Year, Naphtali has started receiving Petitions for the Degrees from several excellent petitioners. In addition to Brother Michael, we will be passing Brother Shaughn Doyel at a Special Communication on the 5th of May, to be followed by raising him at Naphtali's next regular communication on May the 19th. We also have formed two Committees of Investigation that will be reporting at our May meeting. Assuming that the committees' reports will be favorable, we will be balloting on them at the May meeting.
To facilitate all Naphtali Brothers keeping track of upcoming meetings and events, and to reach potential members that may have heard of Masonry and just needed a web page and a contact to spark the flame to make the decision to become a Missouri Freemason, Naphtali again has a web site that contains a Google Calendar (among other pages.) The address for Naphtali's web site is:
I urge all members to periodically frequent the site to help keep track of upcoming events and report any errors or problems to the webmaster.
May 5, Thursday. 6:30P.M. Special Communication to pass Brother Shawn Doyel to the degree of Fellowcraft.
May 19, Thursday. 6:30P.M. Regular Communication, Brother Shawn Doyel to be raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason.
May 26, Thursday. 6:30P.M. Masonic Education for all new brothers.
Secretary's Desk: Dues are DUE!
If You have not responded to our previous letters. Dues, if they are not received by May 31st you are automatically suspended by the Grand Lodge. Brethren, if you are having financial troubles, please call your Master Bill Bean or the Secretary Jesse we have an answering machine. Time is getting short. Brothers we really don't want to send out suspension letters for non-payment of DUES.
2011 April Trestleboard
Master's Message: Thank you to everyone who attended Naphtali's March communication where brother Mike Pingel was initiated and took his first steps in Freemasonry. After experiencing a drought for the first part of the Masonic year, we have three candidates who have submitted their petitions and are scheduled to be initiated, passed, and raised. I expect to soon receive petitions from several other men who have expressed interest in joining Naphtali. Take note of the scheduled events below, as there are several special meetings scheduled. As an aid to keeping track of scheduled events, a Google Calendar is being set up. The web address will be http://www.mofreemason.com/naphtali/ as soon as the site can be uploaded.
A special thank you to everyone who helped clean the New Masonic Temple on the first Naphtali clean up day. Both the lodge itself and portions of the cafeteria area were dusted, mopped and vacuumed and many bags of trash were disposed of.
March 31, Thursday 7:00PM Special Naphtali Communication @ New Masonic Temple. EA degrees for Shaughn Doyel and McGraw Milhaven
April 4, Monday 7:00PM Fellowcraft degrees @ Troy Lodge#34, Mike Pingel and Shaughn Doyel
April 6, Wednesday 7:00PM Fellowcraft degree @ Wentzville Lodge#46 McGraw Milhaven
April 21 Thursday 8:00PM MM degree Naphtali Regular Communication @ New Masonic Temple. MM degree for Mike Pingel site is:
Secretary's Desk: We have the advantage of giving you advance notice that if your dues are not paid by April 1st you are delinquent. According to Grand Lodge DUES must be paid by this date. The base dues are $40.00 + $20.00 Grand. Lodge Per Capita Tax, and if you choose you may send whatever additional amount you want to help the lodge. The names of the delinquent members will be read at our April meeting and notices will be sent to the members who have overlooked sending in their dues. Please look in your wallet and if you do not have a 2011 dues card you will probably be getting a letter.
For those who have fallen on hard times due to the economy, and are not able to pay their 2011 dues, pleas call me or the Worshipful Master, so we can take steps to keep your membership current. Our telephone numbers are at the top of page 1.
It feels good to have Naphtali doing Degree Work and bringing more men to the workings of the Lodge. Thank you W.M. for your interest in helping to keep our Temple clean and the others who helped.
Hope to see everyone at the Regular Meeting to cheer on our Junior Warden Brother Bill Stone and candidate Mike Pingel.
"Not what I have but what I do is my Kingdom."
Thomas Carlyle
Thomas Carlyle
2011 March Trestleboard
Master's Message: Please join me at Naphtali's March Communication, when Mike Pingel and Shaughn Doyel will be initiated as Entered Apprentices. Let's be sure that their initiation is a special night for both of them. March is also Senior Warden's night, when our Senior Warden will sit in the East, and the Deacons and Wardens will also move up to the next chair in the line. While our Senior Warden RWB Ken Burch does not need more practice in the East, I urge the other officers to join me at the various Schools of Instruction to practice for the next position.
Finally, in order to help maintain our Masonic heritage, Naphtali will have a clean-up day at the New Masonic Temple, to help Temple Board President John Vollmann. This will take place on March 19th from 8:00AM to 2:00PM. Further details will be presented at the March Communication.
Mar 17, 6:30PM Naphtali Mar. Communication, Senior Wardens Night
Mar 19, 8:00AM Naphtali Maintaining our Masonic Heritage Day. (AKA help cleanup the New Temple)
Apr 21, 6:30PM Naphtali Apr. Communication, Junior Wardens Night
Secretary's Desk: Our Feb. meeting was one that we put in the books and will be remembered by all who were present. Highlighted by 5 Grand Officers, Grand Treasurer Nicholas Cichiclo, Senior Grand Steward Dick Smith, Junior Grand Marshal John Siscel, the DDGM Ron Reynolds, & DDGL Terry Little. WB Eugene Barken was presented his 60 year pin by WB Byron Smymiotis. 22 members were present to witness this special occasion, 12 were WB's. In our last letter we pointed out that if your dues are not paid by Apr. 1st, the Secretary will have to send you a notice that you are delinquent and automatically suspended. Brethren if you need help please call the W.M. or Sec. and we will see if the Lodge can help you. If you have paid your dues your card may be in this notice.
Brethren remember:
2011 February Trestleboard
Master's Message: Thanks to everyone who braved the snowy weather to attend Naphtali's joint meeting with St. Louis Lodge No. 1. It was a great experience meeting brothers from another lodge and sharing the wonderful dinner that they provided for everyone who attended. Naphtali's February meeting is quickly approaching which will be the official visit of our Deputy District Grand Master RWB Ron Reynolds and our Deputy District Grand Lecturer RWB Terry Little. Lets have a great turnout to great RWB Ron and RWB Terry. We will also be presenting a 60 year pin to Brother Eugene Barken. Hopefully there should also be a couple of Petitions on which we will ballot. Finally be sure to take note of, and attend Naphtali's upcoming MOChip event.
Feb 12, 10:00AM Naphtali's MOChip Event at the Dardene Prairie Wehrenberg, 7805 Highway N, Dardenne Prairie, MO 63368
Feb 17, 6:30PM Naphtali Feb. Communication, DDGM official visit
Mar 17, 6:30PM Naphtali Mar. Communication, Junior Wardens Night
Apr 21, 6:30PM Naphtali Apr. Communication, Senior Wardens Night
Secretary's Desk: Brothers we have received half of the dues there due. As we said in our last communication about collecting them, we now have only Feb. and Mar. for you to mail your checks to the Secretary. In April you are delinquent, please don't let that happen as that causes more work the officers. Look at the envelope you just received, "DUES CARD ENCLOSED", if not send your check.
We have heard from Brother Dave Mann that he has recovered from his serious injuries from the auto accident he was in and has gone back to work at American Airlines.
It is with sorrow we report the passing of 50 year + Member, Past Master John Cassimastis, Jan. 16, 2011. Sympathy was extended to the family.
Almost anything you do will be insignificant,
but it is very important that you do it.
but it is very important that you do it.
2011 January Trestleboard
Master's Message: Happy New Year to all Brothers of Naphtali Lodge #25. I write this message after just finishing a walk to a park near my home with my family on this beautiful sunny day. While on the walk, I saw reminders of the Tornado that touched down in Sunset Hills and Crestwood Missouri, about 4 miles away from where I live as the crow flies. Scattered around the area were numerous pieces of asphalt shingles, pieces of insulation and even about half a sheet of torn up sheathing. As far as I could see, no houses in my neighborhood experienced damage. Thankfully no one was killed in that tornado but the same cannot be said of the tornadoes elsewhere in the state. Be sure to keep those who lost family members and their homes on the last day of 2010 in your prayers.
2011 is here and there are many events coming up soon that have been discussed in Lodge. One exciting event that has not been discussed is that this month, our regular communication will be a joint meeting with Saint Louis Lodge #1. It will be held at the regular time and location. Kevin Fuller, Worshipful Master of Lodge #1, has graciously offered to provide the meal: an offer which I happily accepted. Grand Secretary Ron Miller has been notified, and he let us know that Grand Lodge will "do their thing with the paper work". Consequently, Naphtali, which is one of the oldest lodges in Missouri, will meet with St. Louis Lodge, which is the oldest lodge in Missouri, and Brothers of all ages will have a meal and have a chance to meet each other.
2011 December Trestleboard
Master's Message: It is hard to believe that it is now December, with the holidays quickly approaching and the New Year coming shortly after that. In this period we should all realize that we have many things to be thankful for: our families; the Brotherhood of the Lodge; friends we have met through Freemasonry and elsewhere, and many other things. We should also always remember that there are many less fortunate than ourselves. As I thought of the vacant Junior Deacon's chair, it reminded me of Tiny Tim's small chair in Charles Dickens' novel A Christmas Carol: a chair that was forecast to be empty. Remember to do good unto all. Remember that doing good could insure that the chair occupied by a modern Tiny Tim stays occupied, as well as bringing the light of Freemasonry to someone who could fill the chair at the right of the Senior Warden.
2011 November Trestleboard
Master's Message: Congratulations to Brother Drew Smith on his being raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason at our last communication. Thanks to all who came and ensured that it was a very special night for him. Brother Drew has agreed to be the Senior Deacon this year and will be installed at our next communication.
This weekend Brother Jesse and I attended the Grand Masters Area Meeting at the Webster Groves Masonic Temple. Connectivity is the theme that Most Worshipful Grand Master Gail S. Turner has selected for this year. Connectivity between brothers in a lodge, between lodges and the Grand Lodge of MO. and between Masons and the public. Connectivity is how we maintain and build a strong positive image of Freemasonry. It is also how new good men learn about and form an initial interest in Freemasonry. It is up to us as Freemasons to connect, since no one else will, or could do the job as well.
Secretary's Desk: We are pleased to Congratulate Brother Dutch Phillips and his wife Sandy on the birth of their son Dutch Farraro Phillips.
It is with sorrow that we announce the passing of our Brother Charles R. Combest. Our sincere sympathy to his family including Brother John Combest who is also a member of Naphtali Lodge.
Your Sec. has received the new Dues Cards for the year 2011. They are yellow color and your name is pre-printed. We will include a new form regarding the dues for the coming year. One of the big changes from the Grand Lodge Session is the matter of when the dues must be paid. (Details in the next communication)
Let us remember as we sit down at our table on Thanksgiving Day those who are less fortunate when we offer our prayers.
2011 October Trestleboard
Master's Message: I am very appreciative to all brothers and guests who came to Naphtali's Installation of Officers and made it a special night. Thank you all. At our next meeting we will be raising Brother Drew Smith, so be sure to come and help on this important night in his life. Remember the promises that he will be making and that we as brothers have all made. As we start this Masonic year, remember that in order to fulfill our obligations, we must spread the light of Masonry to good men who can become better men in Freemasonry.